Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Governor Palin Hung in Effigy for Halloween

"Tell ’em you’ll put the butt out when [American soccer moms] snuff the kid and not a moment before. Better yet, tell ’em they should snuff themselves, as well as the kid, and do the planet a real favor. Just 'kidding' (heh-heh)."--Disgraced ex-professor Ward Churchill

Some "artist" in Los Angeles has lynched Alaska's "hockey mom" Governor Palin in effigy for Halloween. It reminds me of the KKK, but they wore masks because they knew what they were doing was wrong. This "artist" is proud of his work.

This "art" reminds me of the Maoist Weather Underground saying they would need to eliminate 25 million Americans who couldn't be reeducated in concentration camps.

The lynching in effigy of Alaska's "hockey mom" reminds me of the ex-professor Ward Churchill "joking":

Every yuppie born counts as much as another seventy Chinese...Lay that one on the next soccer mom who approaches you with a baby stroller and an outraged look, demanding that you to put your cigarette out, eh? It is plainly absurd for any American to complain about smoking when you consider the context of the damage done by overall U.S. consumption patterns. Tell ’em you’ll put the butt out when they snuff the kid and not a moment before. Better yet, tell ’em they should snuff themselves, as well as the kid, and do the planet a real favor. Just “kidding” (heh-heh)." [See a slightly different version in Acts of Rebellion, p. 296.].

The effigy reminds me of Ward Churchill's other sayings:

[R]everies of malignant toads like Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright and Jesse Helms squatting in the shadows of the gallows are simply too pleasant to be suppressed." [2003 Introduction to Churchill's book Acts of Rebellion; cited by Bruce Fein, "Professorship not a License" 2-15-05]

"I have these delightful visions which is what puts me to sleep at night of Madeleine Albright, Jesse Helms, and Henry Kissinger all in a nice neat little row with nooses around their necks and... And the current crop is amply entitled to the same destiny as far as I'm concerned. Do I think anybody's going to do it? Well, that's an interesting question. Who would be doing it? There's only one possible answer: you. We. Us."..." [audio]---Ward Churchill 3-25-05

"Were the opportunity acted upon in some reasonably good faith fashion – a sufficiently large number of Americans rising up and doing whatever is necessary to force an immediate lifting of the sanctions on Iraq, for instance, or maybe hanging a few of America's abundant supply of major war criminals (Henry Kissinger comes quickly to mind, as do Madeline [sic] Albright, Colin Powell, Bill Clinton and George the Elder) – there is every reason to expect that military operations against the US on its domestic front would be immediately suspended." [Ward Churchill, "Some People Push Back."]


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